February 3, 2020 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting, El Mirador Homeowners Association

Approved Minutes of the El Mirador Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting, February 3, 2020These are the approved meeting minutes for a Board of Directors meeting of the El Mirador Homeowners Association, Inc. which occurred on February 3, 2020.

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Santa Teresa Fire Station – February 3, 2020

Board of Directors President Richard Doyle called meeting to order at 7:03 pm.

Board of Directors in attendance: David Chávez, Jr., Linda Corley, Richard Doyle, Timothy Hinker and Joaquin Tadeo. Absent: Isaac Harder and Ventura Peña

Homeowners in attendance were: Sue Hinker, Daryl Medlock, Timothy Navrkal, Henry Trost, Diane Durham, F. Charles Jankel, ******* ******* and ****** *******, Greg and Margaret Bosse.

Minutes - Minutes for Meeting of August 12, 2019 were presented by Secretary/Treasurer David Chávez, Jr. Motion made by Joaquin Tadeo, seconded by Linda Corley to approve minutes; minutes approved unanimously.


Financial – David Chávez, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer presented Financial Report for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Mr. Chávez also presented the Board of Directors with a list of delinquent accounts as of 01/31/2020. There were no comments or questions.

Neighborhood Watch – In the absence of Ventura Peña, Neighborhood Watch Committee Chair, David Chavez, Jr. reported that Mr. Pena and Neighborhood Watch Committee continues to monitor the Community. Mr. Pena has contacted several Owners who continue to park on the street overnight.

Design Review Committee – Mr. Timothy Hinker, DRC Chair, presented a written report on Design Review Committee Actions for 2019.

Common Area Oversight – Linda Corley, Common Area Oversight Committee Chair reported that there are many volunteers assisting with repairs to the Common Area

Homes for Sale – There were three (3) properties for sale as of the date of the meeting.

Homes Sold – Four (4) properties were sold since the last meeting; namely: 52 S. Trevino Rd (Garcia sells to Hood); 23 Ocaso Mirador (Ferdetta sells to Trevino); 237 Avenida Mirador (Wegner sells to J. Lopez) 225 Avenida Mirador (Ludwig sells to Harmon).

Old Business – Mr. David Chavez, Jr. reported that $15,000 had been set aside at Wells Fargo Bank in a 9- month CD paying 1.49% Mr. David Chavez, Jr. reported that the Design Review Guidelines approved at the August 12, 2019 meeting were filed with the Dona Ana County Clerk’s Office on September 18, 2019 and a copy was sent to all Owners on October 1, 2019.

New Business

Proposed Budget for 2020-2021 was presented to the Board of Directors, copies were distributed to Owners in attendance. Mr. David Chavez, Jr., pointed out the following increases to the budget: (1) an increase in legal fees; (2) an increase in accounting fees in order to have a CPA perform an audit as now required by the New Mexico HOA Act of 2019 and (3) $15,000 for Street Repairs. After review and discussion by the Board of Directors, Joaquin Tadeo moved, seconded by Linda Corley to approve the budget as submitted. The motion was approved unanimously.

Candidates for Board of Directors – Mr. Doyle reported that he had received notice from all incumbent Members of the Board of their intent to seek reelection. Mr. Greg Bosse had mentioned that he would be interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors. After Mr. Doyle’s announcement about incumbents, Mr. Bosse withdrew as a candidate.

Discussion was held on inviting guest speakers to the Annual Meeting of the Members scheduled for March 3, 2020. Some suggestions were Jennifer Viramontes with the GISD Board; representative from CRRUA and representative of the Provisional Government of Santa Teresa. Other – Oktoberfest scheduled for October 27 - Isaac Harder is in charge, John Reich to do the cooking.

Public comment/questions Mr. ****** ******* raised concerns regarding EMHOA and FCC communications and other concerns. Mr. Daryl Medlock mentioned providing safety equipment to Common Area Contractor. Mrs. Margaret Bosse asked what was going on with development at the entrance to the Country Club Area. Joaquin Tadeo thanked Tim Navrkal and Daryl Medlock for their cleanup work on Country Club Road.

Next Meeting: Annual Meeting, Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Santa Teresa Fire Station

Adjournment – Linda Corley moved, seconded by Joaquin Tadeo to adjourn the meeting. The Board unanimously approved adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Prepared by David Chávez, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer

Approved Minutes of the El Mirador Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting, February 3, 2020