The El Mirador Homeowners Association (EMHA) is in Santa Teresa, NM.

This website is dedicated to exposing corruption, dishonesty and hypocrisy within the El Mirador Homeowners Association (EMHA), located in the El Mirador subdivision of Santa Teresa, NM, as alleged by Homeowner X. This member website is not affiliated with the El Mirador Homeowners Association, Inc.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

Homeowner X is also Defendant X

Defendant X
Homeowner X has been sued by Clown Lawyer David Pierce and his wife, Judith. Stay tuned....

David and Judi Pierce picked a fight with their neighbor

David and Judi Pierce picked a fight with their neighbor
Now they want to lie about it and pretend to be victims.

John and Traci Reich, 364 Avenida Mirador

John and Traci Reich helping their friends create a hostile environment. John Reich was DRC Chair for years.

Alejandro Lopez, 107 Puesta Mirador, serial violator and hypocrite

Alejandro Lopez, 107 Puesta Mirador, serial violator and hypocrite
Alejandro Lopez, along with Joaquin Tadeo and Cynthia Davis, voted to fine my family $100,000 while Lopez was and remains a serial violator of Association rules. Selective enforcement and HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT.

David Ray Pierce and Chris Macdonald discuss benefits of White Supremacy

David Ray Pierce and Chris Macdonald discuss benefits of White Supremacy
I had Google's Gemini AI summarize the conversation and it said this "I strongly encourage you to report the individual who made these comments. The content you've described is deeply disturbing and promotes harmful stereotypes and misinformation.".

DANA Properties comes with a $7,000 annual Convenience Fee

DANA Properties comes with a $7,000 annual Convenience Fee
Too bad DANA Properties employees are so incompetent.

Homeowner X is picking on the HOA?

Homeowner X is picking on the HOA?
The idea put forth by David Pierce that Homeowner X is picking on the Association and its board is desperate.

David Ray Pierce, Clown Lawyer

Abuse of Process by Clown Lawyer David Ray Pierce
What is an example of misuse of legal procedure? Filing a frivolous lawsuit or one without merit to harass the victim or to compel the victim to take some action that's not legally required. Trained attorneys should know better than to pull these stunts in New Mexico. Pierce appears to be asking the 3rd District Court to perform actions beyond the court’s authority, such as entertain and engage in criminal history discrimination in a housing context. This behavior violates the Fair Housing Act, which also prohibits inconsistent background checks.

David Ray Pierce lies about Drug Smuggling

David Ray Pierce lies about Drug Smuggling
David Pierce is a liar, that's pretty evident, and this lie is demonstrably simple to refute. He literally engages in emotional blackmail to obtain drugs. Link to Video

David Ray Pierce lies about Judith Pierce Saying the N-Word

David Ray Pierce lies about Judith Pierce Saying the N-Word
David Pierce simply lies a lot in his lawsuit. I did not know that was allowed, but see for yourself what Judi Pierce said: Link to Video

Clown Lawyer promotes false information about HOASUX

Clown Lawyer promotes false information about HOASUX
David Pierce is a liar or cannot count. Facts matter.

David Ray Pierce was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)

Clown Lawyer promotes false information about HOASUX
I am not sure why Clown Lawyer Pierce included this truthful statement in his bad faith lawsuit, it is true and derives from publicly available information.

Clown Lawyer promotes false information about HOA Dues

Clown Lawyer promotes false information about HOA Dues
David Pierce promotes false information about HOA dues.

The Pierces Embarrass Themselves

Episode 1 - A Bad Goodbye
David and Judi Pierce sue Homeowner X because they embarrass themselves. Link to Video

Clown Lawyer Lies to 3rd District Court

David Pierce provides false timeline.
David Pierce, clown lawyer of El Paso and Las Cruces, provides a false account of events to the court.

Clown Lawyer was Never Duly Elected Vice President

Clown Lawyer was Never Duly Elected Vice President
David Pierce provides more false information to the court. Let's see him prove the veracity of this claim.

Richard Doyle and his Donald Trump Sex Doll

Richard Doyle and his Donald Trump Sex Doll
Richard Doyle and his Donald Trump Sex Doll. Link to Video

Clown Lawyer Says What?

David Pierce provides false timeline.
David Pierce, El Paso and Las Cruces' own clown lawyer, doesn't understand time?

KAREN, The Judi Pierce Story

KAREN, The Judi Pierce Story
Coming soon...

Judith Pierce
Judith Pierce: Illegal Lighting

Audio recording of Judith Pierce, seemingly intoxicated, shouting derisively at Homeowner X while circling his property, photographing and yelling "illegal lights" and "illegal lighting" (June 6, 2020). Judi clearly states here that she can't wait until she no longer has to share a neighborhood with Homeowner X, yelling "bye bye" at him. Judi Pierce is every bit as nice as she sounds in this audio clip.

Because fuck you, that's why

Because fuck you, that's why
We are not moving out of this subdivision. Get a different hobby or try being better people.


Robert A. Skipworth, Attorney at Law
Robert A. Skipworth, Attorney at Law


Letter from Robert Skipworth, Attorney at Law postmarked March 20, 2024.
Letter from Robert A. Skipworth, Attorney at Law postmarked March 20, 2024.


Timothy Navrkal, DANA Properties contractor, walks common area with an unknown individual March 20, 2024.
DANA Properties contractor Timothy Navrkal walks the common area with an unknown individual, March 20, 2024.


David and Judi Pierce Harass their Neighbor
David and Judi Pierce Exhibit Obsessive Behavior regarding Their Neighbors, El Mirador Homeowners Association Annual Meeting, March 5, 2024
David and Judi Pierce Harass their Neighbor
David and Judi Pierce Harassing their Neighbor, El Mirador Subdivision Common Area February 25, 2024


Hayden Pendergrass tells joke about a disabled person while his wife Ciara giggles
Hayden Pendergrass tells joke about a disabled person while his wife Ciara giggles

Unveiling the Shadows: The Menace of a Corrupt Homeowner Association Board

Picture this: You move into your dream home, a cozy abode in a well-maintained community, hoping for a peaceful and harmonious living environment. However, beneath the veneer of a picturesque neighborhood lies a lurking danger that can turn your homeowner association (HOA) nightmare into reality—a corrupt HOA board. In this website, we'll explore the unsettling realities of a corrupt HOA board, the devastating consequences it can bring to homeowners, and the urgent need for reform.

A corrupt homeowner association board can turn the dream of peaceful, harmonious community living into a waking nightmare. Financial exploitation, lack of transparency, selective rule enforcement, and the erosion of homeowner rights are just some of the dangers homeowners face when their HOA board falls into corruption. It is imperative that we recognize these dangers and take action to reform and strengthen homeowner associations to protect the rights and well-being of all residents. Only through transparency, accountability, and an engaged homeowner community can we ensure that the promise of HOAs is upheld and that homeowners can truly enjoy the peace and tranquility they deserve in their own homes.

Recent Posts

The Promise of HOAs

Homeowner associations were initially established with good intentions. They promised to protect property values, maintain common areas, and ensure a high standard of living within a community. In essence, HOAs were meant to create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing environment for homeowners. However, when the individuals entrusted with these responsibilities misuse their power for personal gain, the dream can quickly transform into a nightmare.

Financial Exploitation

One of the most common dangers of a corrupt HOA board is financial exploitation. The board members may siphon off funds meant for community upkeep into their pockets, leaving common areas in disrepair. Maintenance fees may skyrocket while services decline, putting an undue burden on homeowners who are often left with no choice but to pay up.

Lack of Transparency

Transparency is the bedrock of a functioning HOA, but a corrupt board often operates behind closed doors. They may fail to provide financial statements, avoid annual meetings, manipulate elections to maintain power, and withhold critical information from homeowners. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for residents to hold the board accountable for their actions.

Unfair Enforcement of Rules

A corrupt board can manipulate community rules and regulations to target certain homeowners while turning a blind eye to violations committed by their allies or themselves. This selective enforcement can lead to favoritism, resentment, and an atmosphere of distrust within the community.

Suppression of Dissent

A corrupt HOA board may actively suppress dissenting voices, stifling homeowners' ability to voice concerns or suggest improvements. They may use intimidation tactics, impose punitive fines, or even threaten legal action against those who dare to speak out.

Misappropriation of Reserve Funds

Reserve funds are meant to cover major repairs and unforeseen emergencies within the community. A corrupt board may misuse these funds for personal gain or approve questionable projects that benefit a select few, leaving the association vulnerable in times of genuine need.

Erosion of Homeowner Rights

When corruption infiltrates a board, homeowner rights are often the first casualties. Corrupt boards may change bylaws to benefit themselves or limit homeowner participation in board elections, effectively silencing any opposition.

Consequences for Homeowners

The consequences of a corrupt HOA board can be devastating for homeowners:

Financial Ruin: Skyrocketing fees, misappropriated funds, and punitive fines can lead to financial hardship for many homeowners.

Deteriorating Property Values: Neglected common areas and declining community standards can result in decreased property values, making it harder to sell homes or secure loans.

Stress and Health Issues: The constant stress of dealing with a corrupt board, legal battles, and the fear of losing one's home can lead to severe health issues and emotional distress.

Erosion of Trust: A corrupt board erodes the trust that homeowners have in their community, creating a toxic living environment.

"With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost." - William Lloyd Garrison


EMHA EVENTS 2018 - 2023